“Chidi Iwuchukwu is an inspiring and engaging speaker whom we had the privilege of hearing at our school assembly for Black History Month. His personal story reminded us that our time in life is precious and that we should use time to make a positive impact in the world while working towards our goals and dreams. Chidi shared several important lessons with our students that not only apply to their success at school, but that applies to the bigger picture in life. Chidi lives the values of persistence, resilience, and optimism through all that he does. Students were left with a belief in themselves that they can overcome the many challenges that come with pursuing their dreams. If you are looking for a speaker at your school, I would encourage you to consider Chidi!”

Adam Ruka

“Hi Chidi, I did have a look at your presentation, it was very inspiring, educational and comparative to what many of our newcomers go through when they arrive in Canada. The feedback from the participants were very strong and I sent you the survey results.”

Keshia Ramnarine Coordinator, Online Services ACCES Employment

“Good evening Chidi, Hope you had a productive day. I'm midway reading your book and I'm impressed. Literally the Bible for Newcomers! Wonderfully written and many useful information.”

Moe Akel

“Absolutely! As a speaker at our Virtual National Canadian Immigrant Fair Chidi took our viewers through a presentation on Canadian Work Experience for Canadian Jobs, an insightful session sharing his insights and previous experience. Our viewers were engaged and enjoyed the presentation immensely, answering their questions with ease. It was a pleasure working with Chidi and looking forward to continuing to work with him for other speaking engagements. Thanks”

Jackman, Laura

“Hey Chidi, I hope you are doing great! It was a good session and I am sure everyone learnt a lot. My only concerns are about the duration of our session and that it needed to have more specific examples that could relate to our programs and services.”

“It is down to earth and honest. The author thought about everything”

Mardene Carr

“Information in this book is very useful for newbies in Canada. It entails a lot of insight that can also be beneficial to those that have been in Canada for a while likewise. Kudos to the writer”

Bernard “Bernardinho” Odunlami

“In-depth, insightful, and inspiring. The book provided a lot of information that I couldn’t find surfing the internet”

Franklyn Eluagu

“First, is that the book is brief and easy read. The chapters are short and upon looking at the Table of Contents, it looks like a practical checklist”

Giselle General (Alberta Filipino Journal)

“The reader will learn how to avoid pitfalls and successfully integrate into Canadian society.”

Kate Ezeji-Okoye

“He should have titled it: Your Bible/Qur’an to Canada”

The Standard Observers.Com

“The Best Gift for New Immigrants! Coming to Canada is a great book for new and prospective immigrants to Canada. I only wish I had this book when I moved here years ago. Chidi did an awesome job with that book. Kudos Chidi!”

Kingsley Ndukwe

“Hello Chidi, On behalf of Sizwe Podcast, Patricia Gumbo- Executive director of Silhe Sizwe Vineyard Organization and I, we say a big thank you for coming and given us a chance to meet you. Every word you spoke is valuable to move our community forward. Our editor will do finishing touches to the file and Patricia will send you a copy. We are looking forward to your second and many visits to our studio. God bless you and your next book Yours”


“Hello Chidi, On behalf of ACCES Employment, thank you for your commitment in supporting newcomers through different mediums. The session on June 15, 2022, My Canadian Journey: Vision, Resillience and Impact, was a success! Your story is quite inspiring and serves as a helpful guide for immigrants in Canada.”

Mikael Ahmad (He/Him) Coordinator, Programs and Services ACCES Employment

“Hi Chidi, Thank you for speaking! It was great to have you present. There were 157 attendees within your session and they overall score out of 5 was 4.43 (there were 54 attendees that completed the survey). So a score reflected as Satisfied. There were also 5 survey respondents who said your session was their favourite of the day. Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to working with you again soon!”


“Hello Chidi. Waoh! It was absolutely a bomb of a book in the immigrants and Refugees settlement area. I am recommending that we order 50 copies to my Charity”


“Chidi came and spoke to the youth in one of our after-school programs. His message was age-appropriate, relevant, encouraging, and very inspiring. With an engaging mix of personal stories, inspirational thoughts, thought-provoking questions, and time for self-reflection, Chidi connected with each of the youth in such a way that they all left with something valuable to think about. I would recommend Chidi to anyone who is looking for a great presentation that inspires people to find their purpose, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.”

Daniel Ripmeester

“An inspirational Speaker who shares candidly a story of survival and persistance. His openness to questions and his message of << learn to love forward >> will resonate with audiences of all ages”

“The speech given is not only relevant and positive, but also can be grasped by multiple different types of people with various mindsets and backgrounds.”

“It made you look into life deeper and to not be scared because you live once and you can't fear it and live in regret that you never did it”

“He is a very good speaker, confident, and knows what he's talking about”

“That Chidi explains that how there is always a purpose in life and even if there are problems if you give up you will not make it thorugh but if you are determined to do it it will happen.”

“It's very informative and impactful to whatever situation you are in as a new Comer. Please don't hesitate to get connected to learn on what you can't and can't do on your journey while transitioning in to Canada.”

“Very informative session. Thanks you. I liked how there was focus on the "small" aspects of the Canadian culture that most people don't think about.”

“An engaging and interesting session that is very important to navigate our different activities. Learning from an experienced teacher and mentor that helps to make life easier and more successful to immigrants.”

“Chidi applies real life instances in his presentations. These are very relatable and apply everyday people. I will say, book Chidi to engage with your audience and watch happen im your organization.”

“The presenter resonated with me because of our shared experiences. Migrated to Canada with family and have to adapt to different cultures, navigating stereotypes, conscious & unconscious biases, etc. He inspired the participants to believe in themselves, and also to listen and learn from their teachers and parents.”

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